Summary Of Radical Reform By Tariq Ramadan

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This book is written by a great scholar in Muslim world in 2009. Tariq Ramadan is a famous writer in world. He is quite controversial in west and East world. In Muslim world, he is famous because of his descendent, he is a grandson of Hasan Al Banna , founder for Ikhwanul Muslimin while in West, he’s famous for openness in delivery his opinion. He is a modernist and reformer. He is trying to bring Islam into a next level through his books. Let’s begin this paper with my view in his book on Radical Reform. This book is a quite “heavy book” because the discussion is very critical and specific in many ways. Luckily, I have a basic background in Arabic and Fiqh term so easy for me to digest what he is trying to convey but it might be different …show more content…

People debating on that, some believe Muslims are doing that, some don’t and personally I believe we don’t. But this is my personal views, my opinion is not emotional but I believe it has related to my own prejudice and experience and I’m aware of it. I believe we need the reformation due to several factors, firstly, because of reformation will help us to live in this time and align with this era, without reformation you will live in capsule time. Secondly, we have to dealing with certain issues in our life and might be different from one another, this reformation will help you to counter or face that issues. One of the way through transformation , like I mentioned previously. Third is because some of the law/Fiqh are can’t be used anymore. I believe, people have different ideas about this, but again our ideas are based our own understanding. They are traditionist in Muslims world, they don’t believe that we need this so called reformation. Questing the Fiqh or Shariah is one of the act consider as rude and “sinful” but another question will arise which tradition in this world is not change? History as witness. Tradition in society and religion will change over time. Take the story of second scholar in Islam, Umar Al khattab. He started the calendar in Islam, proposed the 23 rakaat in Terawih Prayer and collecting the pieces of chapter of Quran to compile it in a book. All this things are new on that time …show more content…

This passive silence lead the scholar hold and having full authority to make decisions. The follower will follow without questioning and as result fall to hegemony of scholar. How many Muslims today speak out their opinion? Not many. We have construct a society that won’t questioning the Ijtihad because they believe they are not well-educated and welcoming to give a comment. This is the reason I want Muslims to be expert in their field so that we can share the authority. Every time issues arise then these expert may contribute to solve that issues then no one will just follow blindly. Reading this book make me find more about this issue. Certain group rejecting this ideas especially when the writer suggesting to interpret the text back. I have the same view, we remain the principle but they are certain area need to be considered again so it will suit to our time. I do aware and realize about the differences among human but this book teach me about respecting others’ view. Undoubtedly, Islam is syumul and one but the interpretation is different from one another. Respecting their understanding and principles the we can have a good life. The radical reform proposing by Tariq Ramadan is not to destroy the religion but to bring Islam to the next level. We need the radical reform. What we wait for? Ummah is suffering while we are don’t do anything. Keep blaming non-muslims for our fault is cant be

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