Book Report On The Pigman By Paul Zindel

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The Pigman, by Paul Zindel is a well written book that should be read throughout middle school to highschool.
The Pigman takes place in the sophomore year of the main characters John and Lorraine mainly at the Pigman's house.
The main characters are John, Lorraine, and Mr. Pignati also known as the Pigman John and Lorraine are 15 year olds who are in their sophomore year of highschool, come from miserable homes form a bizarre relationship with an Mr. Pignati who is a lonely old man.
John, Lorraine, and their friends Norton and Dennis were prank calling random numbers from a phone book as a game. When it was Lorraine's turn to pick a number from the phone book, she stumbled upon the Pigman’s number and dial’s it the she pretends to be a charity

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