Boo Radley Relationship

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the children develop a relationship with Boo (Arthur) Radley and it is important because they learn lessons about not judging someone without looking at things from someone else’s point of view. In the beginning, the children only knew what they had been told about Boo. Then, they start to have more interactions with Boo. Finally, when Scout meets Boo. First of all, the children have not talked to or seen Boo yet because he never goes outside. So they can only take in what rumours that are told by their neighbours about Boo. First, Jeremy Atticus (Jem) Finch had told Charles Baker (Dill) Harris and Jean Louise (Scout) Finch that “‘his hands were bloodstained’” and that “‘there was a long jagged scar …show more content…

The first interaction with Boo is when Jem, Dill, and Scout all sneak into the Radley backyard. Jem wanted to get a better look at Boo so he crawled up to the window, but as he was looking in there a shadowy figure came across Jem. "'It was the shadow of a man with a hat on'" (71). The shadow walked away and the children ran, but once they got to the fence they had to crawl under. Jem's pants got stuck, and he had to take off his pants which had a rip in them. Later that night Jem went back to get his pants, but when he got there his pants were folded neatly on the fence and stitched back up. The stitching had been a bit crooked so it was obvious to them it was not the work of a woman. Could it have been Boo who stitched up the pants? Trying to help Jem and make an attempt to connect with the children and show that he is not just some mean monster locked up in that house. Then, he starts by putting two sticks of Wrigley mint gum in the tree. By putting this gum in the tree knothole. He was able to connect to Jem and Scout. When Scout first found the gum she, was hesitant. When Jem found out about the gum he told her to, “‘spit it out right now’” (44). Jem did not like the idea of eating something that came out of the Radley tree because of what he knew about Boo. The children start to find more items out of the tree knothole such as;

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