Body Image Research Paper

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Body Image and Eating Disorders within LGB Women’s Populations
All around the world, there are diverse communities with different perceptions of body image. One particular community very diverse community that is unique is the LGBT community. Just focusing on the lesbians and bisexual women, there is lots of variation of body image ideals. Within the lesbian community alone, there are lots of Diversity within the community some stereotypes, which are solely based on body image and presentation that include the lipstick lesbian, the Chapstick lesbian, Butch lesbian and the boi lesbian. However, within the bisexual community, there are not as many stereotypes based on solely on body image due to the fact that these women wish to attract both …show more content…

According the book called Lesbians, Levis and Lipstick, There are some pretty clear differences in homosexual and heterosexual appearance norms (Cogan & Erickson, 15-25). Considering appearance and beauty norms, there are a variety of different styles that some lesbian embrace. Also when looking for a partner they might prefer different style/ body image. The standards of the different style based on body image and clothing. The butch style is based on the male body image, the standard lends toward that they should be able to pass as a man. The butch subculture body image ideal focus on having a flat chest, small hips, short hair (normally a crew cut) and broad shoulders. However the femme style/subculture, tends to dress more hyper-feminine in their dress. For body image they embrace main culture’s body ideal, and they tend to wear makeup and have longer hair. There is also androgynous subculture, focuses more on the clothes of the individual. Androgynous lesbians normally have shorter hair, but they dress more gender neutrality. These subcultures tend to be expressed more stereotypical when one of the subculture is actively dating. There was study conducted discussing the visible lesbians and invisible bisexuals: appearance and visual identities among bisexual women (Haywood, N., Clarke, V., Haliwell, E., and Malson, H.2013). With the use of qualitative …show more content…

However, what eating disorders are prevalent in the LGB communities? There have been a multitude of studies looking at whether homosexuality is a risk factor for eating disorders, and looking at what eating disorder present in the LGB communities. A study was conducted looking at the sexual orientation among in cis-identifying adolescents and how sexual orientation can correlate with body image specifically weight concern and eating disordered habits (Austin, S. B., Ziyadeh, N., Kahn, J. A., Camargo, C. J., Colditz, G. A., & Field, A. E., 2004). They used data from the Nurses’ health study in 1999. This study showed that there was more of a concern of appearance and weigh concern within the heterosexual participates. Also the study showed a correlation between more likely body satisfaction in homosexual and bisexual females. Overall this study concluded that the other study showed that identifying as homosexual or bisexual is not a risk factor in terms of eating disorders. Since, homosexuality is not consider a risk factor for eating disorders, is there higher prevalence for certain eating disorders in LGB women compared to heterosexual women. A study conducted by Karen Heffernan (1996), examined data from 203 women using questionnaires to determine if there were any disorder with a higher prevalence in homosexual women. The

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