Bob Ewell Character Analysis

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The novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee includes the contradictory characters Atticus FInch and Bob Ewell. The setting of this book takes place in Maycomb County, Alabama in the 1930s. A small town where everyone in the town knows everyone. Atticus Finch is a well known lawyer, who works hard at his job, he is well respected around the town of Maycomb County. Atticus also cares deeply about his two kids. Jem and Scout, that he raises on his own with the help of Calpurnia, the maid for the Finch family. Atticus takes on a case about a young man, Tom Robinson who is accused of raping a young girl, Mayella Ewell. Which brings us to our next character, Bob Ewell. Maycomb County is a small town, and everybody knows who Bob Ewell is. Ewell …show more content…

Atticus is more well respected by the people of the town than Bob is. Atticus is a lawyer, and he works hard. Bob Ewell though is not a respected person at all in the town, because he is rude to everyone. Also, he is lazy with no job. One example of how Bob is unrespected is when the author wrote, “ this morning Mr.Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he’d get him if it took the rest of his life.” A second difference between the two characters is that Bob is a bad father to his eight children at home, he is the one actually suspected to have been the one to rape Mayella. Bob Ewell neglects his kids, and abuses them all. He spends his relief checks on green whiskey, since that’s all he spends it on his kids have no food. The Ewell kid’s stomachs growl and they cry from their hunger pains. On the other hand though, Atticus is a great father to his two kids. He is a good example for his kids, and cares about his kids. He has respect for his kids and treats them as adults, and Scout and Jem treat him with the same respect. Atticus expects his children to stand up for what they believe in, and does the same for himself. He does not feel he can tell them one thing then do the something

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