Blue Eye Brown Eyes Expirement Summary

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Many times, and often unconsciously, we make incorrect judgments about another individual based on their perceived social group membership. This form of prejudice, or stereotype, is by definition a preconceived opinion not based on reason or actual experience. Gordon Allport, one of the first psychologist to focus on the study of personality, defined prejudice as "feeling, favorable or unfavorable, toward a person or thing, prior to, or not based on, actual experience".1 These preconceived notions are neither unavoidable nor inherently wrong, but part of human nature. It is when we act upon our prejudice, or allow our prejudice to restrain us, either conciously or unconciously, from validating or invalidating preconceived opinions, that we complete the self-fulfilling prophecy – a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true. If we are unaware of our prejudice, …show more content…

On day one, she repeatedly stressed to the students how blue eye people were better than brown eyed people. She gave special privileges to the blue eyed students, encouraged the blue eyed students, and overlooked their faults or shortcomings. On the other hand, she insulted brown eyed students, took away their privileges, marked them with collars, and stressed to the class how the brown eyed students were inferior to the blue eyed students. Conversely, on the next day, the brown eyed students were told to they were superior to the blue eyed students. They received the same special privilges the blue eyed students received the day before, and the blue eyed students received all same impediments that the brown eyed students had received the day

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