Blow Out Essay

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Blow out

Blow Out is a mystery thriller film from 1981 featuring John Travolta and Nancy Allen. It is both written and directed by Brian De Palma, who has since also directed movies such as Mission: Impossible and Scarface.
To begin with, I think this film was very interesting to watch. Blow out is a film that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat the whole time and leaving you wanting more. Throughout Blow Out I felt as if I was stuck, just watching and waiting to see what would happen. Let’s start from the beginning of the film, Jack Terry (John Travolta) is a sound recorder, who records sounds for movies. Jack needs to go out and record wind blowing as his next objective for the film he is working on. As Jack stands on that bridge recording various sounds, such as a frog croaking, and people talking, Jack finds himself recording a very strange noise that sounds unfamiliar. Jack continues to …show more content…

Throughout the film, we were not introduced to the person who had ordered Burke (the murder of Governor McRyan, played by John Lithgow) to “injure” Governor McRyan, until the very end. This is when the audience figures out that it was another candidate, Lawrence Henry (John McMartin) who was just trying to run him out of the race for Governor and into the ground. Additionally, we were not exposed to Burke’s entire face until the end of the film, when he started to go after Sally, and Jack. This left me anxious to see who could have done all of these horrible things. My least favorite part of the film was when Sally had to die at the end, in the hands of Burke, the cold-blooded murderer. Sally did not deserve to die as she was just trying to help reveal the truth about what happened to Governor McRyan. It was also saddening to watch Jack do his very best to get there in time and save Sally’s life. Sally had no idea what was about to happen and it was horrifying to

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