Bloomington Farmer Market Observation

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On Saturdays, many people gather at the Bloomington Farmer’s Market to observe many sights, smells, and tastes. It was evident early on that there were two age groups present: early 20’s and retirees. Recent studies by Nielsen have shown that Millennials are the most sustainability-conscious generation and are willing to pay more for products that are environmentally friendly, so the amount of millennials interested in buying fresh, local produce is no surprise (Saussier, 2017). There was an overwhelming white majority, with few Asians and very few African Americans shopping for products. All of the farmers were white and of older age. Some farmers had children present helping them, likely doing this to introduce them to a new trade and gain …show more content…

When we arrived, we noticed that about half of the customers were Indian, and half were caucasian. From what we observed, all of the staff were of Indian descent. The customers were dressed casually, despite the atmosphere looking more high-end. Almost all of the customers were in their early to mid twenties. We can assume that some of these people had ties to Indiana University, whether they be students, or in one instance, professors. From here, we were able to take our seats and order some appetizers. We noticed that the menu included both English and phonetic Hindi. Most of the dishes seemed to be authentic, both in names and components. As with most Indian restaurants, the menu had several vegetarian and vegan options. This is probably due to the large amount of Hindus in India that practice these dietary restrictions. The 2006 Hindu-CNN-IBN State of the Nation Survey states that 31% of India’s population practices vegetarianism (Kumar & Yadav, 2006) We saw no evidence of sustainability throughout the restaurant. Overall, this restaurant has a huge impact on the community, as it is very popular and well known throughout

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