Blockchain Fraud Essay

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Blockchain can help make business networks less susceptible to fraud in three major features. First, due to its distributed nature, transaction data that is contained in Blockchains systems are shared across a peer-to-peer network and continually reconciled, thus management and authorization is spread across the network leaving no room for fraudulent actions to take place. Fake data, double purchases, even errors in approval, etc. are prevented within the linked blockchain process and network. Fraudulent data cannot be inserted into the blockchain. Moreover, all transactions and data are transparent to all authorized parties of the network so data can’t be falsified or manipulated. A good example of fraud preventing by Blockchain is the …show more content…

This may be one of the most important reasons the financial services industry is rapidly exploring and investing in Blockchain technology. Finally, access to both seeing and performing transactions is restricted only to related parties. Participants are issued cryptographic membership cards to represent their identity so that confidential data and information is protected leaving no room for outsiders to alter it. However, even authorized users can’t add to the Blockchain without consensus, and no one can tamper with records on the Blockchain without a way to hide their tracks, fraudsters have a much higher chance of getting caught before even committing fraud. Since blockchains will provide a live, indelible record of financial transactions, which leads to mitigating many of the manual data extraction and audit preparation tasks that are both time consuming and labor intensive and for an entity’s management and staff. Accountants will be able to execute real-time audits of banks’ capital and risk positions. Real-time auditing and reporting will liberate audit teams from certain routine tasks so that they can shift their efforts and concentrate on playing more creative roles and adding value to the firm by providing strategic advice, probably focusing on new ways to deliver future business value, rather than keeping track of past costs and undertaking basic bookkeeping

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