Block Class Reflection

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In elementary school, there were a lot of things that I was so unfamiliar with that I never really realized how great learning could actually be. At that point in time, the world seemed to me seemed so figured out and all I knew was my family, friends and the town that I live in. One thing that always excited me was when our class went to the computer lab. Back then we used very slow computers and monitors that were so thick I mistakenly thought it was the computer instead of the actual desktop. You’d never actually see me being very productive in the lab however. Instead, I’d be browsing the newest arrivals in the games section of the Cartoon Network website. The largest focus of going to the computer lab was typing, we typed so much that I began to dislike going to the …show more content…

Half the time, I’d be lucky if I managed to find the keys on the keyboard and make them appear on the screen. After a while, I just abandoned the idea of being able to type, telling myself that it wasn’t for me and that if I ever needed to type there was nothing wrong with my method of using two fingers. Years have now passed and I was about to go into middle school. When picking my classes, I chose to take a block class that would change every marking period because it’d allow me to get a variety of different classes and fill my elective which was very compelling. What I didn’t realize was that the very first class was keyboarding and the only thing that we’d be doing the entire hour every day for a whole marking period would just be typing. From my past experiences I didn’t even want to give the class a chance and instead waste my time playing games or talking to the people around me. It started at a very slow pace, day by day learning a new letter and stringing these letters together to learn small words. I had a boy that sat next to me that told me he was very good at typing and that he was going to be the best one in the

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