Blizzard Under Blue Sky Summary

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A Blizzard under Blue Sky In Pam Houston’s Blizzard under Blue Sky the narrator is depressed and unhappy about some situations in her life that are taking place. For instance, some of her situations are her bills t not getting paid and a man broke her heart. She goes to the doctor to get a prescription for her depression, but refuses to take drugs. At that point, she decides to go on a small adventure to cure her depression. Houston camp up with a solution to go camping overnight in the mountains of Salt Lake City, Utah in February and its 32 degrees below zero on the Fahrenheit scale with her two dogs Jackson and Hailey. The author is probably not in a blizzard literally, but when you think about the temperature she is going camping in it is dangerously cold. So she must dress very warm. The claim of policy for this story is did the camping trip help cure her of her depression. …show more content…

Once, she actually arrived and started skiing she felt like it was not working. Then it got so cold and dark till she had to stop and set-up camp and all she could really think about was how cold it was and how she was more miserable because she could not get any rest. After, these series of events she was so happy to wake up the next morning and know that her and her dogs survived the freezing cold till it distracted her from what she was depressed about and what lets us know she was feeling a little better about her situation was this small passage from the text. “Not once in that fourteen-hour night did I think about deadlines, or bills, or the man in the desert. For the first time in many months I was happy to see a day beginning. (James) This quote is showing us the author is beginning to heal from her temporary depression. In that moment Houston realizes she use the world around her to give her

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