Blanche Dubois's Use Of Alcohol In A Streetcar Named Desire

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Alcohol is used many ways in A Streetcar Named Desire. Main Character Blanche DuBois uses booze to distract herself from reality and to retreat further into a world of fantasy and cleverly contrived artifice. Habitual drinking isn’t ideal for woman’s reputation back in the 1940s, so the habit is often hidden or disguised. For the male gender, alcohol is very much tied to physical aggression and plays a part in the plays worst violence. All throughout the play the use of alcohol continues to been seen as a key contributor to the abuse, lies, and deceit. Blanche DuBois is delicate, refined, and sensitive. She is cultured and intelligent. She can't stand a vulgar remark or a vulgar action. Prior to her coming to visit her sister Stella, Blanche …show more content…

It is in this setting that Stanley is shown to be the alpha male amongst his group. Throughout the scene, Stanley is in control, telling his friends what particular game they are to play, when to drink and what to do. The drinks of Stanley’s choice include beer and whiskey, these are also symbols of masculinity and desire to consume alcohol as part of the social order. The combination of this alcohol indulgence and the game of poker create an atmosphere intended to establish male bonding and social order while at the same time excluding all aspects of the feminine. The shattering of this exclusion by Stella and Blanche’s return helps to expose Stanley’s desire for order. Without alcohol, Stanley would be more inclined to take a quieter stance on the disruption of his male order. It’s not until after Stella returns that there is a moment where she defies Stanley and we see the effects of alcohol take him over as he goes to beat Stella but his friends restrain him. His aggression shows again when Blanche turns on the radio but Stanley doesn’t want to radio on so he turns it off although all the other men are enjoying the

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