Black Women's Suffragette Civil Rights Movement

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In America racial imperialism helps to create a sense of culture based hierarchy in forms of gender, race, sex and social classes which leads certain races and classes to feel inferior of others. In this case, specifically speaking of black women in general, different events throughout history have gone on to continuously overlook the black woman and her experiences from the beginning of slavery to present day. After countless times of going unnoticed during women rights and black Movements (Women’s Suffragette Civil Rights Movement, Black Nationalism movement, Black Panthers movement, and others), black women felt the movements did not shed light beyond the freedom and redemption of the black man and white women. As a result of the neglectfulness …show more content…

Due to clear evidence that women had to produce labor and endure the same treatment- sometimes worse treatment than man, she herself should be placed at the same level with the upmost respect. From bearer, to nanny, to maid and to sex slave the black woman should be praised for being so strong because they were subjected to many things that no white woman would ever have to endure by force. What is a woman’s place and why must she stay in it? Collins breaks down the black feminist logic and why the black woman should not be afraid to express herself and demand rights and respect that is rightfully hers. Collins not only breaks down the feminist thought she generally argues the reality that a subordinate group goes through way different experiences than a dominant group. In the introduction of her book Collins expresses that she won’t use “academic language” throughout so it can be an easy read for all. Ruth Shays one of Collins interviewees, believes that a formal education is not the only route to knowledge and credits common sense for getting her through many …show more content…

But who is to hear your thoughts or voice if you will not say anything at all. One of the many stereotypes of women not being able to express themselves intellectually must be overcome. This idea that race and sex can exist without the other is unreal. Race, social class, gender, sexuality, religion and any other culture differences all run together at some point. An intuitive or rational mind can interpret the connections that race and sex have with one another that while black women and white women share some of the same experiences one cannot say that a white woman receives the same type of double discrimination as a black woman. This is why clarification and gender specific movements began for the black woman. The different levels of oppression must be acknowledged and understood by all to truly see the issues that many black women face day to day. This will also help to distribute knowledge as to why a black woman holds so much rage and contempt in her heart towards the black man who is said to be her provider and protector but this book was not to pity the black woman it is to educate and reiterate the necessary changes for them to come out of hiding and suppression after a long history of being oppressed. No longer should the black woman be in

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