Black Ships Before Troy Argumentative Essay

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Black Ships Before Troy: Argumentative Essay The Trojan War is one of the most known battle or war in history, if not the most known. It was a very, very long war, but there was one main source or reason of conflict that drove it to last so long, it seemed endless. Paris, a Trojan prince, was promised a wife as fair as the goddess of beauty by Aphrodite herself. The particular woman she promised was already married to a Greek King by the name of Menelaus. This started not only tension between the Greeks and Trojans but also anger because they were recently married.Helen should have returned to the Greeks for a few reasons that could have led to a shorter war, or even no war.First off, Greek King Menelaus is her rightfully wedded husband. The war would have been totally prevented if a couple of decisions were better made. Finally, she never really was in love with Paris. It was all manipulated by Aphrodite. To begin with, there are three main reasons Helen should have been returned to the Greeks but the major reason that sticks out is the fact that King Menelaus was her rightfully wedded husband. Paris went to the palace of Menelaus to see her and potentially fall in love. That is precisely what happened. “And then the king rode out hunting. Paris made an excuse not to ride …show more content…

The very small spark of “discard” is when Eris starts conflict, forcing Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite to argue who the “fairest” of the three is. Helen was a gift of Aphrodite to Paris because he decided she was the fairest. Since she was secretly taken from a Greek King and given to a Trojan prince, this started much tension and anger. During the War, there were many reasons for Helen to have been given back to the Greeks and a few to prevent her from being surrendered. In the end, this is one of the most infamous wars in history, and Helen was a central figure in this 10-year

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