Black People Monologues

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know I am not the only one that hates it when a black man dies for a stupid reason everyday. I’ve heard that 925 black people have died this year most are in Chicago. I thought history changed and that our black people would have all of their human rights back. Although we still have people protesting about #BLACKLIVESMATTER and then others are saying ##BLACKLIVESMATTER but no cops are being killed everyday. Which makes no complete sense to me. One kid was running after his ball that rolled down the street and a two cops said it looked like he was part of a robbery. So they put guns to his face the kid was terrified for his life plus he was only 11. The cops weren’t suspended or anything but the kid could've lost his life over something so stupid. When a black man does a crime he gets like 2 years in prison but when a white man does a crime he gets like 3-1 month in prison.
Now the president of America is probably going help cops and support them in their work if they keep killing off our people , it's like taking a sucker from a baby and not caring about your actions. Mainly Black people are dying, like I get it all lives matter. A white man died last week but 10 black men died last week. What matters more 10 people or 1 person. America is place for everyone diverse or not. But that doesn't mean people gotta be racist and hate …show more content…

Maybe not today or tomorrow but soon. If we keep living like this and not caring about how our community is falling apart we will start to die slowly. Each race plays a role in the United States Of America, without them we would be hopeless. So as of now stop bystanding and put an end to police brutality. Stop letting these people you call heros or cops control you because they think they are so powerful and can do whatever without your input. If something is wrong say something no matter what might happen to you at least you will know that you going against something worth

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