Black Holes Informative Speech

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Imagine traveling to the very core of our Milky Way galaxy. What would you see? You would see millions of stars littering the night sky. And on the horizon a strange black sphere emerges. It’s a black hole. An object so dense that not even light can escape it. However, it isn’t the only one out there. Black holes are one of the most mysterious objects in our known universe. This topic has been argued for decades, when Albert Einstein first predicted black holes in 1916. Many astronomers proposed theories about black holes, to black holes being a wormhole, to black holes being the very reason to our existence. A black hole is defined as a region in space that has a singularity, a point that has zero radius and infinite density. When a black hole forms, it creates a black and dense sphere …show more content…

One theory, Einstein’s theory, states that if an astronaut, for example, crosses the event horizon, the astronaut would have “no drama”. When the astronaut crosses, however, the astronaut will be crushed due to the significance of the gravity. Another theory revolves around the quote “matter cannot be destroyed or created”. The Einstein -Rosen Bridge theory states that when objects fall into a black hole, the objects travels down a “tube” known as a worm hole. This wormhole is a shortcut to far distances or even a portal to another universe. Another theory, created by physicist Nikodem Poplawski, revolves around the idea of The Big Bang and the Einstein -Rosen Bridge. “…when a black hole forms upon the collapse of a dying star, a universe is born at the same time from the white hole on the other side of the wormhole”( Charles Q. Choi). Another theory, one that came very recent, is Hawkins Radiation. This theory states that some matter escapes the black hole as radiation and the rest falls in. This makes the black hole smaller and smaller until the black hole just

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