Black Athletes' Graduation Rates Weak

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Major collegiate athletics programs are able to generate millions of dollars for their institutions, but are not able to show any evidence of successfully graduating their black male athletes that contribute to their success in generating those millions of dollars. These universities in turn, are failing these student athletes whom were promised that they would nurture them intellectually as well as athletically. A four year report published by the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education presents statistics that shows that the six major sports conferences in the NCAA (ACC, Big Ten, Big East, Big 12, SEC, Pac 12) have weak graduation rates for male African American Student athletes. Jessica Anderson of the associated press wrote an article titled, Black Athletes' Graduation Rates Weak where she used evidence from the University of Pennsylvania’s study as well as information from The Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education to present findings that showed that only about, “50.2 percent of African-American male student-athletes graduated within six years and that 96.1 percent of the schools graduated African-American male student-athletes at rates lower than student-athletes overall” (Anderson). Yet, the evidence that African American male student athletes are struggling to graduate as compared to their white counterparts does not simply stop there. In fact, Shaun Harper the executive director of the Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education at the University of Pennsylvania reports that, “50.2 percent of black male athletes graduate within six years from colleges compared with 67 percent of athletes over all, 73 percent of undergraduates, and 56 percent of black undergraduate men” (Harper)....

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...arper, Shaun, Collin Williams, and Horatio Blackman. "Black Male Student-Athletes and
Racial Inequities in NCAA Division I College Sports." Graduate School of Education Center (2013). University of Pennsylvania. Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education, 2013. Web.

Lockwood. "Interview with Coach Lockwood." Personal interview. 10 Mar. 2014.

Reed, Steve. "Report: Black Players Left Behind in Graduation Rates of Bowl-Bound Teams."
Higher Education. 9 Dec. 2013.

GRADUATION RATES AT NCAA DIVISION I INSTITUTIONS. [e-book] Indianapolis: NCAA. Available through: NCAA Web [Accessed: 11 Mar 2014].

Richmond, Emily. "How Colleges Fail Black Football Players." Editorial. The Atlantic 11 Dec.
2013: Print.

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