Birth Order: The Similarities Of Middle Childhood Children

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I have grown up within a familiy of four sibling. Those siblings are myself, Brianna, Haley, and Colby. There have been many noticeable differences. There have also been many interesting similarities. Some, scary while others, suprisingly pleasant. One of the scarier similarities is how my youngest sister, Haley, seems to act a lot like me. As I have looked at the evolution of each family member's personality, I have come to realize that no matter how close we are to each other, we all seem to have our differences. This is just one of many examples that has spurrned my interest in the effects of birth order. While investgatng birth order effects, something has surfaced in my mind time after time. Birth order affects people's behavior in many …show more content…

There are certain differences between the middle child of a family of three and the middle child of a large family The middle child in a family of three will feel more competitive because they recieved more attention and may not have learned how to communicate effectively to get what they want (Birth order, 2014c). According to Gross (2013), Middle child personalities will differ from the first-borns because he or she was born after and because he/she will never excel at the same things. Also, middle children are the most loyal friends you will ever meet. This is because they feel left out of the family (Varma, 2013). According to Birth order (2014c), The middle child has a list of different personalities. One of these is that they will try to bully other sibling so that they will feel the power they were missing out on. Middle children's behavior often can become more geared toward people pleasing because parents have loosened their iron fist of control and are not as concerned over he/she when he/she injurs him or her self (Voo, 2014). According to Birth order (2014b), some middle born children become lawyers to help fight some of the social injustice that they felt as children. Because they were often in the middle when older and younger sibling quarrled, middle-borns tend to become more diplomatic than first-borns. …show more content…

When friends or relatives visit to see the new baby, parents can make the older child feel better by cuddling him or giving him special attention, including a small present to offset the gifts received by the baby. The older child's self-esteem can be bolstered by involving him in the care of the newborn in modest ways, such as helping out whemn the baby is being diapered or dressed or helping push the stroller. The older child should be made to feel proud of the achievements and responsibilities that go along with his more advanced age- things the new baby cannot do yet because he or she is too young. Another way to make older children feel loved and appreciated is to set aside some quality time to spend alone with each of them on a regularbasis. It is also important for parents to avoid overtly comparing their children to each other, and every effort should be made to avoid

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