Bird Diaphragm

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What structure links the nostrils to the mouth in a bird? The choanae Where is the “voice box” for a bird? The voice box of a bird is called the syrinx and is the enlargement at the base of the trachea. Do birds have a diaphragm? They do not have a diaphragm, but they have air sacks instead. What is the function of a diaphragm in a mammal? The diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. It aids in inspiration of the lungs and air flow. How is a bird’s respiratory system different from a mammal’s? (Include structures, direction of air flow, structures where gas exchange occurs, and number of respirations to transport air through these structures.) Birds have a trachea, syrinx, bronchi, parabronchi, anterior and posterior air sacs and lungs which all make up the respiratory system. The direction of the air goes through the trachea and goes into the posterior air sac, expiration will happen and push the air into the lungs. The air will then turn into a second inspiration where it will flow out of the lungs and into the anterior air sacs which leads to the second expiration which is when that air will flow back out through the trachea. The parabronchi is where the gas exchange happens. Two inhalations and two …show more content…

Birds have a crop to store food from the esophagus. Birds also have two parts to their stomach including the proventriculus that begins the chemical digestion of food, and their gizzard is the muscular stomach that grinds food. The gizzard also forms a pellet of indigestible food that is then regurgitated in some species. Some species of birds also have a ceca unlike mammals that helps with reabsorption of water and bacterial fermentation of cellulose. Birds also have a cloaca that receives and stores the excrement and then opens to the anus to expel the waste products, which mammals don’t

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