Bird Blind Essay

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Introduction: The experiment conducted at the bird blind was so that the student would be allowed to come up with and preform his or her experiment. In this experiment one will be looking at how urban noises and alarms effect birds in there natural habitat. The experiment took place at the bird blind at wright state established by the biology department. The “bird blind is an enclosed, elongated wooden structure with benches facing a slight in the wall. [Which] [always] [one] [to] observe birds and other wildlife that are attracted to the variety of food that is set out daily ”(Marcia, David and Don Cipollini, pg. 155). Without this building the experiment could have not been conducted and controlled properly. Birds have a …show more content…

Dose the Noise contributed from the development or urban area effect the environment of the birds? I hypothesize that the Noises made from the urban environment will have an effect on the birds. That there would be less birds and that in a way the sounds would repel them. This problem has come to the attention of many scientist. In the article, predicting the Effect of Urban Noise on the Active Space of Avian Vocal Signals. It explains how this problem has caused a drastic effect on the lifestyle of the birds. “Urbanization changes the physical environment of non-human species but also markedly changes their acoustic environment. Urban noise interferes with acoustic communication in a range of animals, including birds, with potentially profound impacts on fitness.” (Kirsten M., and Michael A., pg.452). With the everyday noses of buses, cars, humans, radios waves, construction and etc. One can see how after a long period of time this could affect bird formations or even confusing birds and their responses to each other. With more deforestation 's accruing around the world animals everywhere have been forced to adapt to their new …show more content…

The wind was very cold and strong blowing everywhere. When returning to the blind there seemed to be a mass increase of birds everywhere. Tons of bird calls, cannot pinpoint a certain call. There were at least a range of 15-20 small birds one the trunk of the tree. Mostly comprising of American Golden Finch’s and Tufted Titmouse’s. Bird seed is all over the ground, it might be due to the high winds knocking over the bird feeders. Barley any of the birds are eating from the feeders. There are however some bigger birds out a pigeon and at least five woodpeckers consisting of being hairy and downy. At 12:00pm a loud voice can be heard saying “this is a test”. The bird stir a bit but are still chirping and seem contented with eating and talking. When the alarm goes off all the birds up into mind air and evacuate the blind. They then all come back to where they once were. They are still chirping but it sounds more like a warning than their previous songs. The birds are not as vocal as before. For some reason bigger birds come out when the alarm is persisted. All the smaller birds can be seen in the surrounding trees. After the alarm was over at 12:05 the smaller birds returned to

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