Bipolar 1 Case Study

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Eric Beck meets criteria for Bipolar 1 disorder. He shows some signs of General Anxiety Disorder as well. Anxiety disorders are the most coming co-occurring disorder with Bipolar 1. To be diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder you must meet criteria for Major Depressive Episode and Manic Episode. Eric meets criteria for part A of Major Depressive Episode due to his extensive history of depression. He stated that “I suffer even when doing things, I should enjoy.” He often had feelings of guilt or worthlessness. Along with this Eric struggled from a lack of concentration. He also had recurrent thoughts of death and has tried to commit suicide.
Criteria B states that the person has symptoms that can cause clinically significant distress in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. He meets this in that he hasn’t had a stable relationship for over eight years. After quitting his job as a stockbroker due to the stress it caused, he’s been unemployed since then.
Criteria C states that the symptoms aren’t due to the direct physiological effects of a substance. There was no evidence that …show more content…

Eric worried about everything such as: keeping a job, being too much of a burden on his family, his lack of a girlfriend, and even his car breaking down. His inability to sustain a career, and thoughts of being a “failure” also constantly worried him. Eric also experienced restlessness, irritability, and muscle tension. None of these symptoms were due to drug use, However, I do feel like this disturbance was better explained by Bipolar

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