Biomedical Science Personal Statement

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The variety and breadth of the topics covered within Biomedical Science hugely appeals to me. I have always had an interest in learning, especially when it comes to science and living things. In high school, I developed an interest in chemistry and biology. I took college level chemistry as a junior and was captivated by the fact that everything is composed of microscopic atoms that are continuously moving. Even more so, the thought of how these moving atoms combine to create molecules, which make up organisms that cause diseases and interact with the human body, completely enthralled me. What really kindled my passion for biology and diseases was in microbiology; we grew organisms on petri dishes and then used select antibiotics to see which would fight off the organism the best. I learned how this experiment could be applied to the medical field, and that this was actually done in hospital laboratories. …show more content…

The tour guide and I spent a great deal of time in blood banking; she told a story of how she has caught three blood units that were mistyped by the donating agency. She explained what would have happened to the patients if she had not caught the mistake, this was when I realized the magnitude of this profession and that I wish to specialize in blood sciences. I love the idea of a career spent researching something that I'm passionate about, something that continually fascinates me.

In high school, I had two jobs at local retail stores where my responsibilities included running a till, keeping the store tidy, and training new employees. I had to work well under pressure, which meant I had to be able to work both in a team and independently. Success in retail stores, as well as hospitals, depends on the collaboration of everyone working in them. I learned to appreciate the benefits of effective teamwork during my

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