Biomedical Engineering Personal Statement

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Since graduating high school three years ago I’ve had a solid understanding of what I wanted to study in college. In middle and high school, the life sciences always peaked my interest, in large part due to my extremely passionate and knowledgeable teachers. I also enjoyed solving problems and didn’t mind working hard. When I applied to WPI I saw Biomedical Engineering as everything I ever wanted; it represented a growing and diverse field in the life sciences and engineering where innovation could have a long-lasting impact on society. Since I got accepted to WPI, I have maintained this vision. As a junior BME at WPI I am focusing on tissue engineering and biomaterials and have been volunteering in Professor Gaudette’s lab since March 2017. Upon graduation, I hope to work at a research and development firm with the possibility of working in the field of academia as a BME one day. …show more content…

Membership in AEMB will allow me to make connections with many WPI faculty, staff, and alumni. Furthermore, membership in AEMB will allow me to further immerse myself in the field of BME. Just by being around other people who share common interests will allow me to learn so much more than being alone! Gaining membership in AEMB will also provide me with access to many meaningful leadership positions within the organization. Although I have had many leadership positions in the past, positions within AEMB are unique because they relate to my professional and scholarly interests. Taking part in one of these leadership positions will allow me to not only grow and mature as a leader and make relationships with many people, but expand my knowledge in BME. Additionally, because AEMB is highly-regarded nationally, gaining membership will enhance my own

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