Biography Of Malcolm X

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Malcolm X is one of the prominent activist and outspoken public voices of the Black Muslim. He was born as Malcolm little and he changed his last name to X to signify his rejection of his “slave” name. Malcolm X is a charismatic and eloquent, Malcolm became an influential leader of the Nation of Islam, which combined Islam with Black Nationalism. After Malcolm X’s death in 1965, his bestselling book The Autobiography of Malcolm X popularized his ideas, particularly among black youth, and laid the foundation for the Black Power movement of the late 1960s and 1970s.
From my opinion, I respect him much since I know that he is a very strong guy who wanted to defend his own races from the white people in USA. He challenged the mainstream civil rights movement and the nonviolent pursuit of integration championed by Martin Luther King Jr. He urged followers to defend themselves against white aggression “by any means necessary.”
As I have read through his life, Malcolm X actually had a very troubling past as he has gone through a troublesome of life. Malcolm’s father died when he was six and his mother was put in a mental home when he was about twelve. As a result, his many brothers and sisters were split up and put into different foster homes. Malcolm left school early and eventually drifted north and finally settled in Harlem, New York, on his own, at the age of 17. In Harlem, this is where he slipped into a life of crime. He became involved in hustling, in prostitution, in drug dealing. He became a cocaine addict and a burglar. Finally, at the old age of 19, he was arrested and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.
I also understand that, he face a changes while he was in prison. For me, to embrace changes in life requires us to lea...

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...voice to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam, but less known is the evolution that took place in Malcolm X's life as he came to understand the truth of Islam as established over 1400 years ago by the Prophet Muhammad of Arabia, may peace and blessings be upon him. Malcolm completed the hajj, a transformative experience for him, and travelled to foreign countries which allowed him to see the troubles of humans who were being oppressed in other nations just as he had witnessed African Americans being oppressed in the U.S. Although his life was cut short before we could realize the fullness of the positive impact that his voice could have had upon society, the example that he set as a Muslim man, husband, father, intellectual, political activist, and humanitarian is something that inspirational through time and should be remembered.

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