Bill Cosby's Sexual Assault Case Study

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Bill Cosby has been charged with aggravated indecent assault. Over 50 women has come forward and alleged that Bill Cosby has sexually assaulted and drugging them women. Some of the women have stated that they were violated by Bill Cosby as far back are 1969 to 2004. Most of the women that have come forward have stated Bill Cosby had invited them to his home and gave them pills to make them feel relaxed. The women allegation states once they are relaxed Bill Cosby would sexually assault them. According to CNN who interviewed five of the women that was ask why they took so long to report the allegations against Bill Cosby. One of the women stated she didn’t want to lose her job and she realizes he was famous and no one would believe her charged against Bill Cosby. The other three women decided they no longer want to remain silent to protect other women of becoming a victim of Bill Cosby sexual assault. Many of the women stated they would go out of their way not to see Bill Cosby on TV because it brings back such awful memories of the alleged drugged and sexual attack by Mr. Cosby. On December 30, 2015 77yr. old Bill Cosby was arrested in Pennsylvania. Bill Cosby was arraigned on one charge …show more content…

The victim stating the allegations which caused Bill Cosby arrest had settled out of court in 2006 for $150,000 that was the time she should have had him prosecuted. I believe this victim decided in 2006 to take the money and now in 2016 she wants everyone to feel sorry for her. I guess the victim felt $150,000 was going to wash away the emotion she was feeling in 2004 when her alleged sexual assault taken place. I am not stating he is innocent, however many of these women decided to stay silent while each one was gaining fame from Bill Cosby, now that the fame has gone, lets embarrassing him because he has money, I am glad the statute of limitation has ran out on the alleged sexual assault and

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