Bilingual Education Case Study

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For more than 12 years, Jan has provided extraordinary services and leadership to English-learner children with special needs and their families. She is highly knowledgeable about laws, policies, and procedures pertaining to Special Education and the optimum practice with bilingual and monolingual families. She stands firm on her desire to work with families in search of the best educational and life skills options regardless of their knowledge of the English language, and she has done so through her work with three programs: Preschool GRASP, Infant Circle, and Reach Autism. Through Preschool GRASP, Jan works with English and Spanish-speaking staff to support the simultaneous development of young children’s primary language as well as English language acquisition. Infant Circle offers the opportunity to provide early intervention services for infants …show more content…

Because Jan has given tirelessly of herself to assist so many children and parents in great need, Riverside County has become a better place for bilingual families. One such example is her participation with Fiesta Educativa. Fiesta Educativa is an annual event designed to empower Spanish-speaking families of students with special needs through resources and support. In her quest to provide the best speakers and presenters for this highly regarded event, Jan, working in tandem with the planning committee, has partnered successfully with organizations and businesses that have become dedicated sponsors. Fiesta Educativa has had a phenomenal success each year since 2007. In fact, participation rate has increased so dramatically under Jan’s aegis that its organizing committee had to move it to a larger venue in 2013, because the number of its attendees exceeded RCOE’s conference center’s capability. Consequently, Fiesta Educativa is now held at The

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