Big Tech, The New Predatory Capitalism Analysis

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Tech companies now a days have been increasingly growing larger and larger as each day goes on. Along with this tremendous growth, comes a fear for corporation dominance due to the increasing rates of largely known companies specifically used for a certain usage such as a search engine or online store. This fear of a corporation getting too big or widely popular in one category is what makes people scared of a capitalism predator for all the other small businesses. In “Big Tech, the New Predatory Capitalism” by David Dayen, the topic of should big tech companies really be trusted is questioned. Dayen’s argument can effectively cause the public to fear large tech companies through his usage of fear and logic, however fails to convince why this should be changed due to a lack of credible sources and facts.
The article starts off by trying to influence people’s feelings and emotions of fear. The greatest fear you can have is the fear of the unknown and Dayen does a great job of this by saying “We don’t know how our data is handled. We don’t know how algorithms nudge us into certain apps or products. We don’t even have a confirmed figure of Amazon Prime memberships.” This surges the crowd of people to fear what big tech companies could …show more content…

This then leads people to feel as if they are being heard. They feel connected to him as he is arguing his case. He does this by using the diction in the way he says “The question is no longer whether we have a problem with Big Tech; it’s what we’ll do about it. And there, we have a distinct lack of consensus.” People begin to question themselves about how they feel about having large tech companies manage over huge majorities of the market. This way they begin to question if even having large tech companies is even a good thing. Dayen’s argument is that there needs to be more capitalism so businesses can grow to benefit smaller corporations and

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