Big Brother Big Sister Program Analysis

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The CHOICE program is able to show students the facts on youth alcohol use, with data received from the monitoring the future statistics. Data was received from multiple schools throughout the country, and students were given the tests in gym class to measure actual student drug and alcohol use. This program has sessions for a half hour after school once a week. Unfortunately these sessions are voluntary meaning students must go out of their way for the program. CHOICE offers multiple activities too youth, including providing feedback on substance abuse, challenging unrealistic beliefs, resisting pressure through role play, and discussing risky situations along with coping strategies. However once this program was evaluated, it was found …show more content…

This is a community-based mentoring program in which at risk youth are able to have a positive adult role model in their life. The program targets youth that need it most, whether they come from a single parent home, are coping with a parental incarceration, or have seen trauma in the household. Youth come from many different home environments, family structures, neighborhoods, and social-economic levels. Regardless of these factors, each youth is unique and have been identified for having a need of a friendship with a helpful adult. The Big Brother Big Sister programs joined forces in 1970 to become Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Much alike most other mentoring programs, this was designed off of the social control theory. The social control theory utilizes the idea that socialization and social learning builds self-control, reducing the inclination of participating in an act that would be considered anti-social. This derives down from functionalist theory of crime; all in all people’s relationships, values, commitments, and norms encourage them to not stray away from the bonds of …show more content…

As your policy advisor I highly recommend that we defund the CHOICE program and implement the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Over 100,000 children are already enrolled in the Big Brother Big Sister program around the country, with roughly 45,000 of them having an incarcerated parent; once implemented in Connecticut this number will only be able to increase more and more. The CHOICE program has shown time and time again that it simply cannot reach the correct amount of youth that it is intended too. While after school programs will still be in place for at risk youth, there are better alternatives. Only five percent of students had completed the CHOICE programs in schools that had them, defunding this program should not have much resistance from the public. And showing the public how we are using the extra money to fund an even better program will only improve relations. Any backlash from the public will be dealt with by showing them the facts of both programs, and allowing them to see how ineffectual CHOICE is compared to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Students who attended a CHOICE program will directly be given the opportunity to enroll in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program as to make sure that they are getting the help that they

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