Bielski Partisans: The Most Successful Partisan Group Of Survivors In The Holocaust

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Tuvia, Zus, Asael, and Aharon Bielski were Jewish brothers who played a key role in the Holocaust. They would later go on to form the Bielski Partisans, saving the lives of many in the secrecy of the forest. At the start of the Holocaust, the Bielski Partisans were the most successful Partisan group of rescue by Jews because they established a hidden camp, partnered with Soviet Partisans, and survived harsh conditions. One of the reasons the Bielski Partisans were so successful in rescuing over 1,200 Jews was because they created a hidden camp within the forest. To begin with, the Bielski brothers grew up in a poor farm family in Novogrudok, Poland and were very familiar with the land outside their village (Smelser 1). After their parents
For one thing, weather was a big obstacle that the partisan group had to face when traveling and hiding out (Reiniger 5). Spending the harsh Belarusian winters with its freezing temperatures in the forest was deadly, and the main challenge was to keep people warm enough not to freeze to death and to address the members’ health problems. Tuvia kept the group moving and as warm as possible by cutting down trees to make fires and cook food. In general, food became another obstacle as the number of Jews involved in the Bielski Partisans grew (Reiniger 4). As the years went on and the partisan group had to travel often, Tuvia was forced to ration food and prioritize certain people within the group, such as generals, to receive more food. Although Tuvia was never discouraged at the thought of hunger, each rescue mission resulted in new mouths to feed. With that in mind, another pressing issue that kept recurring for the Bielski Partisans were the German hunts and searches constantly plaqueing their decisions of where to go next or where to hide (Reiniger 4). Since the Bielski Partisans were becoming more popular and widely known, they had a greater chance of being caught by the Germans. Tuvia remained extremely cautious and aware as he moved his camp from place to place in order to confuse the Germans of their location. The Bielski Partisans went to great lengths to survive the conditions during World War II and protect the rescued

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