Bible: The Biblical Feast Of Pentecost

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i. Where in the Bible is the Feast of Pentecost first mentioned? (Sentence) The Fest of Pentecost is first mentioned in Exodus 34:22. “You shall observe the Feast of Weeks, the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the year’s end.” ii. What was the biblical Feast of Pentecost? (Paragraph) Due to the fact that the Feast of Pentecost was one of the “harvest feasts” the Jews were commanded to “present an offering of new grain to the Lord” (Leviticus 23:16). They were required to bring two loaves made from two-tenths of ephah of the finest flour, baked with yeast. The offerings were to be made of the first fruits of that harvest. They were also to offer seven first-year lambs that were without defect, one young bull, and two rams. They then were to sacrifice one male goat for a sin offering, and the two lambs for a fellowship offering. iii. …show more content…

What was the other name given for the Feast of Pentecost? (Sentence) The Fest of Pentecost is also known as the Feast of Weeks. iv. When and how often was it celebrated? (Brief paragraph) The Feast of Pentecost is to be celebrated with the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and “three times a year all men are to appear before the Sovereign Lord the God of Israel.” (Exodus 34:22) The Feast of Pentecost occurs in the month of Sivan (May/June), 50 days after Passover, and celebrates the end of the grain harvest. v. What did it symbolize in the Old Testament? (Brief paragraph) The event of the Feast was foreshadowed when the children of Israel gathered around Mt. Sinai for the announcement of the Ten Commandments. “In later Judaism, the festival became associated with the giving of the law and the making of the covenant at

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