Bias In Writing

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Bias writing is a very common mistake that is made every day and a lot of the times goes unnoticed. Writers need to be careful not to accidentally use bias opinions in their work, as it can lead to inaccurate information and confusion. Bias in writing can occur in many different ways such as stereotypes and overgeneralizing, exaggeration or slanted language/evidence. A stereotype is “a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.” (Cardwell, 1996). Human’s can not help but to have an opinion on someone as soon as they meet them after a very quick and insensate evaluation. A lot of the time, the opinion of that person is completely different after getting to know them. While writing, it is easy to make the mistake of using stereotypes, simply by referring to a group as the same …show more content…

It ignores different perspectives and can lead readers to believe that the writers opinion is true regardless of hearing the opposing argument or information. An example of slanted language in media could be an article discussing the impact of new technology on society, but only talking about the negative effect such as addiction and not about how it has positively impacted our society by advancing education and improving communication. A second example of slanted language in the media would be a news article talking about a recent bear attack, and insisting that the community finds a way to execute said bear because it could be a threat to others, but not mentioning that the person who was attacked had been taunting the bear and caused it to attack. One last example of slanted language would be an article about a protest that is degrading a police officer for shooting an African-American person and killing them, but leaving out important details such as that the person who was shot actually pulled a gun first and was shooting at the

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