Beware That College Brochure Summary

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The information presented in “A Campus More Colorful Than Reality: Beware That College Brochure” by Deena Prichep doesn’t surprise me because it’s a colleges job to market their university, and make it seem diverse and welcoming. Also, as a college the more people that attend your university, the more money you make in annual revenue. I’m extremely sympathetic to the arguments of Prichep, simply because I agree with her that colleges have missed the mark of diversity but have no right to use students with fabricated information to increase membership. I still haven’t decided what university that I would like to attend, but after reading this article it has made me realize that a brochure is not any help in locating diversity, and personality …show more content…

By obtaining information from those such as Diallo Shabazz, Prichep creates an effective article that’s multisided. Shabazz believes that “colleges can paint a picture with an eye toward the future.” (Prichep 681). On the other hand, it appears that Prichep has a difference stance to this statement. She focuses more on the demographics of things and totally believe that colleges should do this as well. Prichep is writing to future college students as well as colleges and universities in hopes of creating ethnical awareness of the falsely promotion of diversity. Diversity is not something that you can just fabricate and expect for it be true, it is something that must be embraced and created by marketing it. Prichep also takes the time to interview high school seniors to get their perception on this issue. According to Tobias Kelly, “I think it’s best if you are trying to go to a school to visit for yourself.” (Tobias 680) I must agree with Kelly because even if brochures and promotion information was totally correct, it does not provide an accurate feeling of the campus. I personally believe that you must get a feeling of a university first hand, not through a brochure. I believe that Prichep created an extremely effective article, by allowing various people from all backgrounds to share their opinions on this topic. By allowing these people to add their opinions adds ethos to her

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