Betty Smith's Novel A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

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Betty Smith’s novel A Tree Grows In Brooklyn follows the life experiences of young Francie Nolan through growing up in the slums of Brooklyn, New York during the early 1900’s. In the exposition, Francie in introduced to us as the protagonist who is an 11 year old girl living in a poor Brooklyn community. She is collecting scraps junk and metal scraps to earn some money. Francie’s whole family lives a difficult life because of the struggle to survive with the lack of money. Her mother works hard all day only to come home with just enough money to survive. Francie’s father is an Irish waiter and singer but is a major alcoholic. Overall, the Nolan family’s biggest problem is trying to survive with the shortage of money. The narrative hook occurs when Katie becomes pregnant. Francie’s birth is the start to Katie and Johnny’s life becoming more stressful. When Katie gives birth to Neely, their boy, life starts to take its toll on Johnny. He becomes less dependable and not as strong. This is the start to Johnny’s drinking addiction. As his problem progresses and gets worse, and after a drinking bout on his 21st birthday, the Nolans move to an apartment on Lorimer …show more content…

Francie begins to get bullied and made fun of at school because of her and her family being poor. The other school kids and teachers know that Francie must sell junk and metal scraps only to be able to buy old loafs of bread from the Jewish deli. Because of the hardships at school Francie has to switch to a school that respects her financial status. She now has to walk 42 blocks only to get to school. Another problem Francie must face is to live basically without a father. Since Johnny’s drinking problem he is always out of a job, so Francie must forget about a source of income from their and has to stress about how they will

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