Betrayal In Julius Caesar Essay

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In the tragedy of Shakespeare, there are a number of different virtues or traits depicted by various characters in the story. Some of these virtues include honor, courage, betrayal integrity, honesty intelligence, stoicism, manipulation among others. However, honesty is the most important used and reoccurring virtue throughout the play as shown by a number of characters. In the play, betrayal is highly evident as most of the characters betray one another. Therefore, this essay will mainly focus on discussing the issues of betrayal as shown by a major character by the name Julius Caesar. In the play, betrayal is considered as the act of breaking trust among the people in a relationship and hence deceiving the other person. In the Shakespeare play, Julius Caesar is mainly seen to have passed through a series of various betrayals throughout the entire story as compared to the other characters. Caesar says, “ Well, Brutus, thou art noble. Yet I see / Thy honorable mettle may be wrought / From that it is disposed. Therefore it is meet / That noble minds keep ever with their likes, / For who is firm that cannot …show more content…

Meaning “even you, Brutus”. His best friend by the name Mark Anthony pretends by acting as if he is betraying Julius Caesar in order to take revenge later on. On arriving at the scene where Caesar was murdered, he shakes hands with the killers without caring whether their hand fully covered fully with blood. “Shall it not grieve thee dearer than thy death / to see thy Anthony making his piece, / shaking the bloody fingers of thy foes, /most noble! In the presence of thy corse?” (III.I.207-210). Here Anthony was speaking Caesar’s spirit. By doing this, Anthony fakes betrayal to Julius Caesar and even goes ahead telling Brutus that he won’t talk bad of him for engaging in the killing of

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