Beryllium Beater Research Paper

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Beryllium Beater is a nuclear reactor worker by day and a fighter of crime at night. Beryllium Beater’s most acclaimed story happened on a bright and sunny day, near the city New Alkaline Earth Metals City. Beryllium was having a splendid day walking to his day job at the nuclear reactor when all of a sudden, it seemed as if the dome surrounding the city had been breached and it wasn’t long until his arch nemesis Oxygen Odor Man would be there! Beryllium chased through the streets of the other Alkaline Earth Metals who were running for safety. Beryllium Beater needed some time to figure out what to do, so he sprinted to the large oven. He did this because his melting point is very high (1278 Celsius) and he wouldn’t be distracted. Beryllium beater ripped open his new steel coat to reveal his superhero costume. It was decorated with grayness to match his own skin color and with a touch of emerald since he’s very close and have similar personalities. He came out into the city with his costume, which had a protective layer of Oxide BeO to protect him from Oxygen Odor Man. He ran to escort people back to their homes before Oxygen came to get them! He met up with his sidekick Cookin’ Copper Man about halfway through the …show more content…

He was calling for Beryllium Beater to show himself, but Beryllium Beater was trying to help the old elements to get into the spots at their periodic home. Oxygen Odor man found him and Cookin’ Copper Man finishing up their last job when he attacked them! Beryllium man used his reflector and absorber of neutrons power to make him weak, but it didn’t work!!!! Oxygen Odor Man was fighting back strong, but then Beryllium Beater used his secret power of him forming with salts to finally get rid of Oxygen Odor Man! He shot his toxic chemicals out and in a flash Oxygen Odor Man collapsed on the floor gasping! Soon the PPD (Periodic Police Department) got to the scene and put Oxygen Odor Man into the jail

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