Beowulf: What A Hero Should Look Like

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Essay #1: What a Hero Should Look Like Heroes are the subject of many stories, fiction and non-fiction, short and long. But what is a hero really defined as? The definition ultimately depends on the author’s point of view. Heroes are definitely people, unless the story is like Disney’s The Lion King, or other stories where animals are the main focus; though this paper will stick to humans. Being a hero is about what you are made of, the person’s actions and characteristics are what make them heroes. These actions and characteristics include, but are not limited to, selflessness, humbleness, and suffering. One hero, Beowulf, from the great poem Beowulf, displays all of these qualities, and many revere him as a great warrior, hero, and king. In Beowulf, Beowulf shows selflessness by going out of his way to help others. At the beginning of the story, Beowulf …show more content…

The first instance where Beowulf suffered was in the sea in which Grendel’s mother lived. As he was swimming, looking for the monster’s home, the beast took hold of him and speedily swam to its wretched cave. Beowulf barely returned to the shore with his life after the battle was over. Sadly, Beowulf’s next great struggle, (at least told in the poem), would be his last. Years upon years later, Beowulf, now a king and very accomplished warrior, battles a dragon who is threatening his people and his land. He and a group of young soldiers journey to the end of the land where the dragon’s cave was carved out of the side. Beowulf tells the others to stay back, that he would handle it. But as the battle ensued, the dragon grabbed him by the throat, and Beowulf dropped his sword. Another warrior stepped into help, and stabbed the dragon to calm him down. Beowulf pulled out his dagger and finished the beast. Beowulf would not survive his injuries. Beowulf suffered greatly, but saved many that otherwise would not have been saved if he had not been a

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