Beowulf Struggles With Grendel's Mother

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In the epic poem Beowulf, Beowulf struggles with a few battles throughout the story, just like how we face different types of battles throughout our life. Just as Beowulf faces Grendel’s mother and the dragon, I face having anxiety and divorced parents.

Having anxiety is like fighting Grendel’s vengeful mother. Even though Grendel’s mother isn’t the worse battle that Beowulf faces, it isn’t the easiest battle he faces either. That’s the same thing with anxiety; is that it’s not the worse challenge I face, but it is also no the easiest. Throughout the fight with Grendel’s mother, Beowulf faced anxiety when he feared that he “would earn no glory.” That’s how I feel when I think that I don’t do a good enough job or that I am not good enough. When something happens that sparks my anxiety, I only sometimes only worry about that and “care about nothing else.” But also sometimes with anxiety I worry about everything at one time. Like how Beowulf “sank through the waves” and then all of a sudden Grendel’s mother “welcomed him in her claws.” Going through the water was worrying, but when he hit the bottom he had something hit him all at once. So Beowulf and anxiety both eventually hit rough spots, but after the challenge we win the battle. …show more content…

This was Beowulf's hardest battle that he faced in his life. One of the biggest challenges I have faced in my life so far is having my parents divorce when I was only five years old. That was probably the first real challenge I had to face in life. Throughout the fight with the dragon, Beowulf for the “first time in his life” he had “fought with fate against him.” In the end of the fight “glory denied him.” For the first time at five years old I felt like fate was against me. I truly believe that part of the reason that I am the way I am today is because of not having my parents

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