Beowulf Is A Hero Essay

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BEOWULF When defining a hero, it is classified as a man or women that exhibit bravery, courage, and self-sacrifice in the face of danger. There is also some that believe that a hero protects the weak from those who threaten harm or death. Beowulf is an example of a hero, considering the bravery, and self-sacrifice that is shown when battles arises (Davis, Harrison, Johnson, Smith and Crawford, 2004). Although, Beowulf proves to be the hero needed to save Heorot, there are still flaws in his intentions (Davis, Harrison, Johnson, Smith and Crawford, 2004). Beowulf changes the ideal of hero in this story considering he makes the same mistakes as the previous kings. ( Davis, Harrison, Johnson, Smith and Crawford, 2004). Beowulf is similar to all heroes, telling tales of his adventures and battles that required courage, as well as strength to overcome (Davis, Harrison, Johnson, Smith and Crawford, 2004). There is always someone who challenges the hero. Unferth is that very challenger accusing Beowulf of exaggerating his adventures, as well as telling of failures that the story teller left out. This challenge is put to rest once Beowulf confronts Unferth with his own indiscretions. Once the night begins to fall, and all challenges have been …show more content…

In England the poem of Beowulf was regarded as a fable and considered necessary to preserve civilization (Davis, Harrison, Johnson, Smith and Crawford, 2004). Beowulf changed the ideal of hero considering the acts of bravery he achieved. Unlike the common hero when Beowulf comes to be poisoned by the dragon he battled, the people that admired him abandoned the dying man. Sadly, Beowulf died with his friend and brother that he named his successor. Wiglaf, Beowulf’s friend and brother became king after his death (Davis, Harrison, Johnson, Smith and Crawford,

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