Beowulf Good Vs Evil Essay

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Beowulf is an epic hero who is strong, brave, and courageous. However, the reasons why he fights evil is only to gain fame and reputation, not for moral reasons. Yet Beowulf is still the ultimate victor every time. In the epic poem, Beowulf the major theme is how good always defeats evil no matter the reason. Most of the battles in Beowulf are based on fate, and they are for Beowulf’s reputation. These battles are between Beowulf and a demon or monster. The reason that Beowulf only fights these types of enemies and not other men or tribes is because it shows Beowulf’s supernatural might, strength, and courage. As a result, Beowulf is depicted as an even greater hero because he can fight the even demons and monster of the world making him superior …show more content…

The ultimate good, who is Beowulf, versus the ultimate evil which are the demons and monsters he fights. It is undebatable whether the types of enemies Beowulf fights are good or evil and it is also clear that Beowulf is the ultimate hero. These types of clear distinctions help to make the theme have more meaning and significance. If it were an unclear hero who may also be bad, or if the enemies the hero fights could also be good it would go against the theme and creates ambiguity. However, because of the black-and-white conflict in Beowulf, the theme that good always defeats evil is reinforced because the ultimate good always beats even the worst evil there is. As for the minor battle against Unferth, good wins again because in the beginning of the story, Unferth is evil and contrasts Beowulf. Yet later in the story, Unferth becomes an ally of Beowulf’s. At the end of the story, Beowulf’s final battle shows his undying courage to fight evil even though he is old and getting weaker. Just when the reader is starting to believe that the ultimate good in the story is fading, Wiglaf comes to restore the good and continue to fight the evil; once again proving that good will always defeat

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