Benjamin Banneker: A Brief Biography

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On the very day of November 9, 1731, in Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, a famous African American scientist was born, Benjamin Banneker. Benjamin Banneker comes from a line of slaves. However, because his mother and father were free, he got the chance to escape the _________. Throughout his childhood, his grandmother had taught him to read and he had attended a small Quakers school for a little while, other than that he was mostly self-taught. Despite the fact, that he was primarily self-taught that didn’t mean that he wasn’t a talented boy. One of his earliest accomplishments was a irrigation system all constructed by himself for his family. In addition, he also taught himself astronomy from a book that was passed on to him when a family friend had died. This later on guided him to his future …show more content…

In other words, it is measured in seconds, minutes, hours and so on. And we use devices and machines that tell us the time so we don’t get to interviews or school late. One particular example is a clock. We have clocks everywhere in the United States and the man to thank is Benjamin Banneker. Benjamin created America’s first clock in 1761. He started working on the invention ever since he was introduced to Josef Levi. The first time Benjamin met Josef was drawn by and fascinated by his watch that he was wearing so much that he hounded him down with all these questions about it. As Josef left, he decided to give Banneker the watch as a parting gift. Being that Benjamin is an inquisitive young man, he kept on dismantling and re-assembling the watch, studying the workings of it. He decided to build a wooden clock afterwards. Benjamin had made all the parts, big and small, by his hands very meticulously. All this hard work and concentration had paid off in the end because he was able to successfully construct a fully working clock that had lasted for at least three whole decades, keeping the time

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