Benefits Of Unwinding

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Imagine a society in which, daily, people are taken apart for the use of their organs. It sounds frightening and overwhelmingly negative, however, when it is looked into, it is actually positive and beneficial for many. In the novel “Unwind” written by Ne a i l Shusterman, there is a law passed which allows unwinding, the practice of taking an individual, and dismembering their body parts to use for transplant in other people. This practice, however immoral it may be, can be seen as beneficial from a certain perspective, and can be argued as such from this perspective. Unwinding, as a practice, is greatly beneficial to the organ market, the economy, and society as a whole because of it allows organ availability, it lowers crime, …show more content…

The Admiral summed up a benefit of unwinding while talking to Connor in the story, as he states:
“A cancerous colon could be replaced with a healthy new one. An accident victim who would have died from internal injuries could get fresh organs. A wrinkled arthritic hand could be replaced by one fifty years younger.”(page 176) As the Admiral states, a person who has a diseased organ, or a missing organ can get it replaced because of unwinding.
Another example of a benefit of unwinding is the fact that the practice of unwinding lowers crime in teenager populations across the nation. This is due to the fact that if a teenager commits a crime and is caught, that teenager is going to be under the protection of their parents. Their parents will most likely be angry at the child at committing a crime, and the parents of a teen criminal might, in fact unwind their child. This fear from the teenager towards the parents will cause the child(or possibly the Unwind) to think much more carefully about what they do and how they mess up in life. This will, in turn, cause the crime rate within teens to decrease to something which is non-existent. Teen crime is often very high because of how teenagers act and think, however, lowering the crime rate is always a good thing, and

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