Benefits Of The Restorative Justice Process

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In an instant a life can be turned upside down. This happened to a women name Mildred. Mildred house was broken into and police were able to catch the offenders name David and Ed. For their crimes David and Ed need to make restitution to Mildred and to Mildred’s community. There were many effects that David and Ed caused by breaking into the house, and not just on Mildred. David was quick to admit to his responsibility and he decided to participate in the restorative justice process. Ed however refused to admit guilt for his actions and entered in the criminal justice process. These two processes have many differences. Because of these differences David and Ed will have different restitution. There are a lot of benefits to the restorative justice process. Because David chose to go through the restorative justice process it had many benefits for David, Mildred, and the community. The restorative justice process was away for David to admit he was guilty and take responsibility for his actions. A person can only do the restorative justice process if he or she takes responsibility for their actions. This process is done through peaceful mediation peacemaking, group conference or a sentencing circle. …show more content…

In the restorative process the defense lawyers tells the court the wishes of his or her client. An Investigating magistrate will then do a report about the burglary and issue the report out. This report will have the recommendation amount for restitution he or she thinks the offender should get for his crimes. The victim then has to agree to the judge’s recommendation. If this is done the restorative justice process is complete. An alternative is to have a sentencing circle at mentioned above to figure out what restitution should be. This process is a lot faster to get through the criminal justice

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