Benefits Of The Montgomery Bus Boycott

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One of the major goals of the American Civil Rights Movement was to give all people, regardless of race, equal rights. In the United States, Civil Rights are supposed to be for all people. Throughout history, people have had to fight for their rights when others tried to deny them. Today, all people enjoy the benefits of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and what it has brought us. This boycott changed the course of history. Without it, things would not be as they are today.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a mass Civil Rights protest against bus segregation. Participaters wanted to have black drivers as well as courtesy, but the bus company said no. It was originally just a one day protest, but it ended up being really successful. The protest …show more content…

It was so successful that a law was made against bus segregation. This law took place December 21st, 1956. Which was the day after the boycott ended. Eventually the bus related violence and segregation ended. The boycott brought attention to the civil rights movements and their struggles. There was around 100 reporters that gathered in Montgomery, Alabama at the time of the boycott. Martin Luther King Junior was a leader of the civil rights movements and the boycott. This boycott led to other great protests and boycotts. They then led to continuing the progress of civil rights. Martin Luther King Jr continued helping with segregation in the South. …show more content…

Two of the main people who took action were E.D. Nixon and Jo Ann Robinson. E.D. Nixon had been planning this boycott for a while. Since this had happened, he figured it would be a good time to start it. Jo Ann Robinson took over and made the flyers. She put what was happening and when it would take effect, on the flyer. Robinson put them up around town and handed them out to African Americans. Over 40,000 African Americans participated in the one-day boycott. They then decided to make the boycott longer. (Wexler pg). In summary, The Montgomery Bus Boycott was a successful and important part in the history of the United States. Civil rights are supposed to be for all people in the U.S. and this helped move along the fight for rights. African Americans are now treated with respect, and are equal to Whites. The goal of this boycott was to end bus segregation, and it did just that. African Americans got to sit where they wanted on the bus. Without The Montgomery Bus Boycott, we may not be where we are

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