Benefits Of Playing A Banjo Essay

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Here are some quick tips to get you playing your banjo. First, you need to know how to tune your banjo & the proper way to hold it.

Keeping your banjo in tune is going to take a little practice & should be done each and every time you play the instrument. It's essential that you understand how to do this, as it makes a world of difference when your banjo is out of tune. If you play with others, they won't appreciate that you're out of tune.

The best way for you to learn how to tune your banjo is to get a tune pipe or similar device to help you compare the pitch of your banjo to the proper pitch you need to match. It will take some time for you to master this skill, but once you've learned it will make all the difference in how your music sounds & what people think of your playing. …show more content…

You need to have a position that accomodates easy playing for both sitting and standing. There's not set way for you to do this, it's kind of a judgement call. Just remember that you need to be able to reach across the fretboard & fret the strings in such a way as to cause the least amount of strain, not only to your fingers and wrists, but also to your arms and shoulders. You should maintain a good comfortable relaxed posture throughout the entire time you play, regardless of whether you're sitting or standing.

One of the first things you'll learn to do is to fret chords. A chord is a series of notes played together. At least three notes are used to make up a chord. You'll be fretting at least 3 of the strings and plucking them simulatneously.

Chords are the building blocks upon which the foundation of every song & all music are formed. You should choose some common chords - G, C, etc. and get familiar with their fingering. Playing them at the start of your practice each time is both a great way to warm up as well as a great way to learn them

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