Benefits Of Lowering The Drinking Age To 18

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Should the legal drinking age really be twenty-one? If a person can go into the army at age eighteen and risk their lives to protect our country, why can’t an eighteen year old go into a store and buy alcohol? The legal drinking age should be lowered to eighteen. Traffic accidents and fatalities are most common to newly drinkers, regardless of the age that they start drinking. Since, accidents happen to new drinkers no matter what the age, there should be no problem with lowering the drinking age from eighteen to twenty-one. A man that was found to be a new drinker, Richard Thomas Warren, age thirty, of Milton was driving near an intersection on Santa Rosa streets at 12:42 a.m. when he crashed into the front entrance of an attorney’s office. This man who hasn’t been drinking for very long, this proves that no matter what age you start drinking,whether its eighteen or thirty, you can make the same mistakes and lowering the drinking age will not be a very big concern if it is lowered to eighteen. …show more content…

If an eighteen year old can go into a store and buy whatever tobacco products they want, then they should be able to buy alcohol. While drinking isn’t very good for your health, smoking a cigarette can actually cause harm to your lungs by giving you cancer, furthermore the nicotine in dipping tobacco makes your blood thicken and makes you have high blood pressure. Therefore, drinking is bad for you,but so is the other products that eighteen year olds legally purchase. So if an eighteen year old can buy something that is bad for their health, then it shouldn’t make any difference if the drinking age is

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