Benefits Of Lacto-Vegetarian Diet

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Benefits of a Lacto-vegetarian diet A lacto-vegetarian diet can be healthier than other diets. December 2013, in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that while meat eaters have a higher average BMI, vegetarians have a lower average BMI. Red meat has several risks and downsides. Meat has high saturated fat and cholesterol content, and can contribute to diseases when consumed excessively. A lacto-vegetarian diet is low in fat, and high in fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This means it is higher in fibre and antioxidants. It can lower the risk of illnesses such as Obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Reducing or eliminating red meat can reduce the risk of Coronary Heart Disease. (CHD)

In 2013, Feb 22, a study in Cancer Epidemiology found that a vegetarian diet can reduce the general risk of all cancers. In 2013, June 3, a study in JAMA Internal Medicine found that a vegetarian diet had a 12% reduced risk of death. A vegetarian diet can also help prevent metabolic syndrome, Diverticulitis, Osteoporosis, kidney …show more content…

4 out of 6 studies about ‘the effects of low-meat/meatless diets on longevity’ that researchers reviewed showed that vegetarians live longer than meat-eaters. Heart benefits of a vegetarian diet are decreased blood pressure, cholesterol, & blood lipid (fat) levels.

Research says that animal protein may be bad for your bones, since animal protein is slightly acidic. Acidic blood extracts calcium out of the bones. Plant source protein is less acidic, and therefore helps with bone building.

Fruits and vegetables are a major part of this diet. They contain essential micronutrients (vitamins & minerals), such as vitamin A, vitamin C and folate, and are important for maintaining good health. They also carry fiber, an insoluble substance that keeps the digestive system healthy and adds bulk to food so that it can be pushed along the gut. Fiber prevents constipation and controls blood

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