Benefits Of Juvenile Detention Centers

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In America, there is a lot of problems with the juvenile system. The juvenile system was put in place to make sure that the kids who committed crimes were tried differently than adults. If you ask the question “Should a sixteen year old be tried as an adult?” what would you say? Most of the public would say that it depends on the crime he or she is alleged to have committed, and what caused them to commit the crime. While some studies show that the brain continues to develop until around the age of twenty-five this is no excuse to coddle minors in their late teens who commit serious crimes, know the law, and are aware of the societal norms. Yes, they committed a capital crime, but it does not mean that they should just get thrown in adult prison, …show more content…

Overall, states spend about $5.7 billion each year imprisoning youth.” Detention centers do not have the best of living conditions and, being in the detention centers also has a significant impact on the juvenile's mental health. Being in a detention center really makes an impact on the way these juveniles live and act through the rest of their lives. Looking at the demographics it actually costs tax payers, the state, and the families of the juveniles more money to put the juveniles in detention centers. When they put the juvenile’s in the center they are not guaranteed the best of living conditions in the …show more content…

The most known factor is their parent’s influence. If the parents are doing drugs and being abusive throughout the juvenile’s life then they will grow up probably thinking that is the way the world is and that it is okay to do. The more often the parents do drugs and are abusive the more likely that the juvenile is going to be abusive and might turn into a drug user because that’s what they knew growing up. Family structure is also a known factor family history could cause delinquency. As families grow there could be a chance that if the delinquent is the eldest they are more likely to feel like an outcast and that could lead to delinquent actions. Peers also create a big influence, especially today. If their friends are doing drugs and drinking alcohol that will play a big factor in why they are acting like they do. Community factors just like peer influence could create a bigger influence on the child, if the majority of the community is alcoholic or a drug dealer there is a high chance that the child will grow up to be one of those two things or even worse. The last factor that could possibly factor into juvenile delinquency is the school polices, if the child gets suspended or expelled often then that could possibly factor into the way the child acts. If the juvenile tends to get suspended often and that is all that happens to them, it could mean they do not think anything else will be done

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