Benefits Of Fracking

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Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is the process of drilling and injecting a fluid mixture of water, thousands of gallons of chemicals, and sand into the ground at an extremely high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release the natural gas inside. Up to 600 chemicals are used in fracking fluid, including known toxins and carcinogens. Sometimes fracking can happen extremely close to homes or drinking water supplies. There are plenty of health risks such as air pollution, destroying habitats and landscapes, contaminating water supplies, etc. But these can be insignificant compared to the benefits of fracking. Industrial fracking supporters say that water use in the process is managed properly. For example, it is not unusual for …show more content…

The say that fracking air emissions are temporary in nature. (Energy from Shale) Fracking operations use huge amounts of horsepower, normally provided by diesel engines. There are federal, state, and local requirements regarding air pollution that apply to gas operations. According to the Fort Worth Natural Gas Air Quality Study, “the measured and estimated air pollution levels did not reach levels that have been observed to cause adverse health effects.” (Energy from Shale) But critics of fracking continually disagree. To begin, the sand used in the fracking process includes silica dust, which pours out of fracking sites and into the air in large clouds. A recent review of the public health impacts of fracking said that these silica dust clouds have been associated with tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, kidney disease, and autoimmune disease. (Food and Water Watch) It also releases carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene, methane, nitrogen dioxide, and other sickness-causing pollutants into the air around communities located by fracking sites. (Food and Water …show more content…

Advanced technology has allowed the natural gas and oil industry to explore these fracking wells, but one question continues to be asked: does fracking cause earthquakes? During hydraulic fracking, the seismic events are less than magnitude minus 2 or 3 on the Richter scale, which is not very high for an earthquake. (Energy from Shale) A hydraulic fracturing study in England found that the combination of geological factors needed to create a higher magnitude earthquake was “extremely rare” and such events would be limited “to around a 3 on the Richter scale as a ‘worst case scenario.” (Energy from Shale) An Oklahoma Geological Survey study on seismicity near hydraulic fracturing activities concluded that it was “impossible to say with a high degree of certainty whether or not these earthquakes were triggered by natural means or by the nearby hydraulic-fracturing operation.” The study did say, however, the events under examination were “small earthquakes with only one local resident having reported feeling them. The earthquakes range in magnitude from 1.0 to 2.8.” (Energy from

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