Benefits Of Eco Art Education

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Eco Art education is in an embryonic stage. It is such a newly emerging educational approach that there is very little research explicitly devoted to it, other than the work of Canadian scholar Hilary Inwood. Eco Art education, also referred to as environmental art education, uses art to teach children about ecology with the goal of fostering in learners the deep understanding and caring attitudes that will hopefully result in life-long environmental behaviours. As a leading proponent and researcher of Eco Art education, Inwood (2007) shares her enthusiasm, stating: Eco-art education promises an innovative approach to fostering ecological literacy and the principles of environmental education, one that complements environmental education’s traditional roots (found in the cognitive, …show more content…

Earth Art is the original term to categorize works made outdoors in nature with natural materials from in the late sixties. Land Art is more monumental in scale and does not necessarily consider environmental impacts, mostly initiated in the early seventies. Environmental Art is a very broad term which has connotations with activism. It emerged in the sixties in response to the larger environmental movement. Its intent is to facilitate environmental health through reclaiming damaged sites, educating the public about environmental issues and solutions, and fostering a respect for nature. Eco art is a more abstract term for work which usually addresses scientific issues. Within each of these terms there are many variations of media that have already existed such as landscape painting, sculpture, photography, installation and mixed media. Eco art seems to be the most succinct term; it simply defines a larger context for creating all of the above with little

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