Benefits Of Composting Plant: What Is Compost?

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What is Compost?
Composting is a natural process of recycling organic material such as leaves and vegetable scraps into a rich soil amendment. It is one of the simple ways to add nutrient-rich humus, which enables faster plant growth, restores vitality to depleted soil. Composting is free, easy to make and good for the environment
Benefits of Composting of plants
There are many benefits of composting for plants. Firstly, compost helps in improving the structure of soil. With reference to Illinois Extension, soil structure refers to the way inorganic particles like sand, silt and clay combine with decayed organic particles such as humus and compost. A healthy soil structure will crumble upon touching, allowing air, water and energy to move freely. …show more content…

Also with the correct amounts of compostable materials, a poor soil with bad balance can be amends to make a great soil.
Composting is part of the earth’s biological cycle of growth and decay. Energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and nutrients from water and soil make plants grow. When they die and decompose through a complex process involving microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, insects, mites and worms, nutrients go back into the soil, and carbon dioxide back into the air. The humus remaining from this decay process provides soil with organic matter that can hold water and nutrients in the soil, making it easier to till.
Nowadays, huge garbage stream from different parts and areas of the world are filling up fast. Land is limited; there is simply not enough space for the next 40 years. With composting, research shown that there will be reduce in the overall garbage destined to the landfill by up to 65%. This is so as decomposition happens quickly with the right combination of moisture, oxygen, pH, nutrients, bacteria and fungi, and temperature. In short it happens well in a managed compost

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